
Radiation Safety Infographics

Radiology Workstation Wallpaper

Radiology reporting rooms should have low ambient light levels and minimal sources of peripheral glare to improve contrast perception on a diagnostic image. A simple trick to both improve viewing conditions and add some natural green scenery is to install one of these images as the Windows wallpaper on your computer desktop. They may look dark but will be comfortably visible and help reduce glare from displays in a radiology reporting area. 

(To install Download an image below. Right Click on the desktop background -> Personalise ->Browse to find the image you just downloaded which is likely to be in the Downloads directory ->click on image->click Choose picture button) 

Radiology Reporting Station Wallpaper
Radiology Reporting Station Wallpaper
Radiology Reporting Station Wallpaper
Radiology Reporting Station Wallpaper

Radiology Display Calibration Software (Windows)


Radiation Safety Resources​

Infographic - Staff in CT Without a Lead Apron During Covid19 Patient Chest Study

Because of workloads and infection control requirements, some institutions are wanting to have staff in PPE remain in the scan room during the patients CT. This infographic provides some guidelines on how this may be performed safely.

Infographic - Skin Burn Management in Interventional Radiology

There is a risk of x-ray induced skin injuries during long interventional radiology procedures. This infographic outlines the risk, alert levels and recommended management in the IR room.


ViewIQ-Quick Check - for Service Engineers, Physicists & IT Support (Free)

Designed for Physicists, Engineers, IT support to measure the luminance characterisics of radiology imaging systems. Free software for the automated measurement of luminance on the x-ray equipment image display. Speeding up the process of checking the luminance characteritics of the x-ray equipment during routine service and compliance testing. Access to a standard set of grey patches (TG18-LN, SMPTE) on the monitor of the x-ray equipment is required to make the measurements (not provided), and an X-Rite i1Display (OEC) or i1Display Pro (OEC) photometer. 

ViewIQ-Radiology Pattern Generator (Free)

Designed for Radiologists, Radiographers, Physicists, Engineers and IT support to generate a range of standard radiology test images. AAPM-TG18QC, Black/White patches, TG270-pQC, TG270-sQC, Uniform, black, white, grey, TG18LB test Set, Ideal Viewing angle subjective test. This is a Windows application and all images are 8 bit grey scale (32 bit color RGB+alpha).